Thank you for your interest in becoming TRICIA member. Please complete the Membership form below and make necessary payment based on your membership level using your credit/debit Card.

To complete the process of membership, TRICIA will send you a welcome email once we receive your Membership form and Payment.  Keep that email for your records.  If you did not receive TRICIA welcome email after you submit Membership form and Payment, please contact us at:

Membership Form

ARTICLE 4: MEMBERSHIP(Extract from Constitution)

4.1 Membership in TRICIA shall be available to anyone who shares and promotes the mission and objective of TRICIA. Membership shall be either an individual membership or a family membership. Family membership shall mean spouse and any or all children under the age of twenty-one.

4.2 Membership shall be initiated by a membership form on payment of the prescribed fees, as contained in the TRICIA By-Laws. A receipt shall be issued on payment.

4.3 Except for Life Membership, dues shall be for one calendar year and membership shall be renewable from year to year.

4.4 Any individual or Family membership may be renewed at any time during the year to be applicable for that entire year. However, in order to be eligible to vote in the elections in a given year, the membership must be renewed by no later than August 31st  of that year. For the purposes of qualifying for the two-year membership eligibility to be a candidate for the Executive Committee, as specified in 3.2.3, membership must be renewed by March 31st of year in which the position is to be contested through elections.